• Date de parution : 11/07/1905
  • ISBN : 9790006462230


Solistes (T (Evangelist), B (Jesus), SATB), Choeur

Éditeur : Bärenreiter
Référence : BA 5037-90

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1. Chorus: Herr, unser Herrscher/Lord, Thou Our Master
2. Evangelista, Jesus: Jesus ging mit seinen Jungern/ Jesus went with His disciples (Tenore/Basso)
3. Chorus: Jesum von Nazareth/Jesus of Nazareth
4. Evangelista, Jesus: Jesus spricht zu ihnen/Jesus saith unto them (Tenore/Basso)
6. Evangelista, Jesus: Jesus antwortete/Jesus answered (Tenore/Basso)
7. Choral: O grobe Lieb/O wondrous love
8. Evangelista, Jesus: Auf dass das Wort erfullet wurde/So that the prophesy might be fulfilled (Tenore/Basso)
9. Choral: Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich/Thy will must all creation do
10. Evangelista: Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann/The body of soldiers with their captain (Tenore)
11. Aria: Von den Stricken meiner Sunden/From the shackles of my vices (Alto)
12. Evangelista: Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach/Simon Peter also followed with Jesus (Tenore)
13. Aria: Ich folge dir gleichfalls/ I follow Thee also (Soprano)
14. Evangelista
15. Choral: Wer hat dich so geschlagen/Who was it, Lord, did smite Thee
16. Evangelista: Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden/Now Annas has had Jesus bound (Tenore)
17. Chorus: Bist du nicht seiner Junger einer/Art Thou not one of His disciples
18. Evangelista, Petrus, Servus: Er leugnete aber und sprach/But Peter denied it and said (Tenore, Tenore, Basso)
19. Aria: Ach, mein Sinn/Ah, my soul (Tenore)
20. Choral: Petrus, der nicht denkt zuruck/Peter, while his conscience slept
21. Choral: Christus, der uns selig macht/Christ, who knew no sin or wrong
22. Evangelista, Pilatus: Da fuhrenten sie Jesum/Then led away thy Jesus (Tenore/Basso)
23. Chorus: Ware dieser nicht ein Ubeltater/If this man were not a malefactor
24. Evangelista, Pilatus: Da sprach Pilatus zu ihnen/Then Pilate said unto them (Tenore/Basso)
25. Chorus: Wir durfen niemand toten/By death we may not punish
26. Evangelista, Pilatus, Jesus: Aur dass erfullet wurde das Wort/That so might be fulfilled the word (Tenore, Basso, Basso)
27. Choral: Ach Grosser Konig/Ah, mighty King
28. Evangelista, Pilatus, Jesus: Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm/Then pilate said unto Him (Tenore, Basso, Basso)
29. Chorus: Nich diesen. sondern Barrabam/Not this man, give us Barrabas
30. Evangelista: Barrabas aber war ein Morder/Barrabas he set free, a robber (Tenore)
31. Arioso: Betrache, meine Seel/Bethink thee, o my soul (Basso)
32. Aria: Erwage, wie sein blutgefarbter Rucken/Imagine that His bloodbespattered body (Tenore)
33. Evangelista: Und die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone/The soldiers platted then for Him a crown (Tenore)
34. Chorus: Sein gegrusset, lieber Judenkonig/King we hail Thee, King of Jews
35. Evangelista, Pilatus: Und gaben ihm Backenstreiche/And then with their hands they smote Him (Tenore/Basso)
36. Chorus: Kreuzige, kreuzige/Crucify, crucify
37. Evangelista, Pilatus: Pilatus sprachzu ihnen/Then unto them saith Pilate (Tenore, Basso)
38. Chorus: Wir haben ein Gesetz/We have with us a law
39. Evangelista, Pilatus, Jesus: Da Pilatus das Wort horete/Now when Pilate heard what thus was said (Tenore, Basso, Basso)
40. Choral: Durch dein Gefangnis, Gottes Sohn/Our freedom, son of God
41. Evangelista: Die Juden aber schrieen und sprachen/But the Jews cried out and shouted (Tenore)
42. Chorus: Lassest du diesen los/If thou let this man go
43. Evangelista, Pilatus: Da Pitatus das Wort horete/Then when Pilate heard them speaking thus (Tenore/Basso)
44. Chorus: Weg, weg mit dem/Away with him
45. Evangelista, Pilatus: Spricht Pilatus zu ihnen/Pilate saith unto them (Tenore/Basso)
46. Chorus: Wir haben keinen Konig/We have no King but Caesar
47. Evangelista: Da uberantwortete er ihn/And then he delivered him to them (Tenore)
48. Aria: Eit, ihr angefochtnen Seelen/Come ye souls whom care opresses (Basso)
49. Evangelista: Allda kreuzigten sie ihn/And there crucified they him (Tenore)
50. Chorus: Schreibe nicht: der Juden Konig/Write Him not as our King
51. Evangelista, Pilatus: Pil

Description :

The St. John Passion was first performed in Leipzig on Good Friday of 1724. Written three years before the St. Matthew Passion, it was a work Bach revised during the rest of his life, in fact he did not leave us a definitive version either in print or fair copy. The sources give evidence of four different versions used at four performances - 1724, 1725, around 1730 and during the last years of Bach 's life. They often contain two or more readings for the same passage, or even different movements that on different occasions occupied the same place in the work. Barenreiter's edition uses the final version IV as its basis with alternativemovements and readings contained in the appendices. A comprehensive preface in the study score (German/English) TP197 gives full information. - Full score, performance material (BA5037), vocal score (BA5037-90) and study score (TP197) available for sale.

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