Gant: A Christmas Lullaby
Moore: A day of glory
Shephard: A Lovely lady sat and sang
Tambling: A Virgin most pure
Setchell: Adam lay y bounden
Gant: Behold, a silly tender babe
Mawby: Behold a simple tender babe
Moore: Blessed be that maid marie
Tambling: Charleston carol
Viner: Come to Bethlehem
Mawby: Come to the manger
Wright: Ding dong! merrily on high
Proulx: How silent waits the listening earth
McKelvey: Hush! my dear
Nixon: Hush! my dear
Lloyd: Immortal babe
Mawby: In the bleak mid-winter
Hopson: Listen, shepherds, listen
Roe: Lullaby
Patten: Lullaby of the Nativity
Lullay, a little child
Glading: Mary's Cradle Song
Irving: Noel Nouvelet
Gant: One little angel
Irving: Out of your sleep
Warren: Peace be yours
Tambling: Ragtime carol
Rawsthorne: Rejoice and be merry
Rock the cradle, roch the earth
Mawby: See amid the winter's snow
Tambling: See the Lord of all cration
Lloyd: Sleep, baby, sleep
Mawby: Sleep, holy child
Gant: Still, still, still
The blessed son of God
Wright: The citzens of Chartres
Archer: The holy and the ivy
Wright: The holy and the iva
Murray: The rose of Bethlehem
Setchell: The shepherds' hymn
Mawby: The snow lay on the ground
Archer: The Virgin's lullaby
Lloyd: There is a child
Mawby: Those who walked
Unto us a son is born
Moore: Vidimus stellam
Gant: What child is this
Irving: Shat sweeter music
Bonighton: When Christ was born
Tambling: When Christ was born
Description :
50 Settings