Maria of the Kings
Dance of the Doves
Song of the Blond Sprite
El Negrito Pepo
The Little Donkey on His Way to Bethlehem
No.1 from Tres Danzas da España
Dance of the Three Maidens
No.2 from Tres Danzas de España
Dance of the Poppy
Night on the Guadalquivir River
Song of the Brunette Sprite
Description :
Maria of the Kings Dance of the Doves Song of the Blond Sprite El Negrito Pepo The Little Donkey on His Way to Bethlehem No.1 from Tres Danzas da España Dance of the Three Maidens No.2 from Tres Danzas de España Dance of the Poppy Night on the Guadalquivir River Song of the Brunette Sprite