• ISBN : 9790046257070

Pieces Celebres Vol.1 Saxophone Mib Et Piano DIVERS AUTEURS / MULE

Saxophone en Mib et Piano

Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 25707

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Description :

French saxophonist, Marcel Mule (1901-2001) compiles an essential addition to the Saxophone repertoire. Including pieces by Martini, Handel, Corelli, Rameau, Lully, Couperin, Leclair and Bach, Mule ensures that the Baroque genre is accessible to the Saxophone. In the first volume of his compilation, Famous Pieces for Alto Saxophone and Piano, Mule arranges famous works by the great composers of the Baroque era for the Saxophone, ensuring that necessary additions and edits are made. Pieces include Lully 's Menuet from Les Bourgeois Gentilhomme and a J. S. Bach Suite. The changes by Mule include, phrasing, breath marks, tempo marks, dynamics and other performance directions. Famous Pieces for Alto Saxophone and Piano, compiled by Marcel Mule provides excellent expansion to the repertoire of the Saxophone.

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