• Date de parution : 08/03/2019
  • ISBN : 9783702475864

Child’s Play RAE JAMES

Trompette et Piano

Éditeur : Universal Edition
Référence : UE 21748

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18 first pieces for young beginners

Description :

Child's Play by James Rae provides the simplest possible little performance pieces for trumpet, almost from a pupil's first lesson. These pieces couldn't be easier and still have a tune, yet the clever piano accompaniments provide support and interest and make them great fun to perform. Mostly original pieces, sprinkled with some old favourites, they introduce new notes, one at a time, in the same order as will be found in most standard teaching methods.
The very youngest pupils can download cartoons to colour in (as a reward for practising, of course!) and, when this book is finished, James' Debut Series awaits them, with more fun tunes and the chance of playing duets with their friends.

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