• Date de parution : 11/04/2020
  • ISBN : 9781540043146

Super Easy Songbook CASH JOHNNY


Éditeur : Hal Leonard
Référence : HL 00287524

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Variété internationale et musique du monde


All Over Again
Big River
Cry, Cry, Cry
Daddy Sang Bass
Don't Take Your Guns To Town
Flesh And Blood
Folsom Prison Blues
Guess Things Happen That Way
Hey, Porter
I Walk The Line
I've Been Everywhere
If I Were A Carpenter
The Man In Black
(Ghost) Riders In The Sky (A Cowboy Legend)
Ring Of Fire
Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down
Tennessee Flat Top Box
There You Go
Understand Your Man

Description :

It's super easy! This series features accessible arrangements for piano, with simple right-hand melody, letter names inside each note, basic left-hand chord diagrams, and no page turns. This edition includes 20 songs from the man in black: Cry, Cry, Cry - Daddy Sang Bass - Folsom Prison Blues - I Walk the Line - I've Been Everywhere - Jackson - The Man in Black - (Ghost) Riders in the Sky (A Cowboy Legend) - Ring of Fire - Tennessee Flat Top Box - and more.

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