• ISBN : 9780825680779

Joy Of First Classics Vol.2


Référence : YK 20568

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Air (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)
Aria (Ebner)
Arietta (Hand, Colin)
At The Playground (Nielsen)
At The Spinning Wheel (Kohler)
Bagatelle (Diabelli, Anton)
Ballet (Hiller)
Bourdon (Corrette)
Bruleska (Mozart)
Canzonetta (Horvath)
Capriccio (Hasse)
Chanson Rustique (Hunten)
Clouds And Sunshine (Beyer)
Contredanse (Kozlowski)
Contredanse (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
Country Waltz (Beethoven)
Courtly Dance (Wagenseil)
Danse Galante (Telemann)
Dedication (Granados)
Dialogue (Miaskovsky) (Bartok, Bela)
Duet (Reichardt)
Echo Dance (Hainhofer)
Ecossaise (Walther)
English Dance (Dittersdorf)
Etude Melodique (Martin)
Fandango (Kohler)
First Love From Six Short Pieces (Guilmant)
Four Little Inventions (Ryba)
French Dance
Frolic (Muller)
Games (Turk)
Gavotte (Turk, Daniel Gottlob)
German Dance (Haydn, Franz Joseph)
Gypsy Legend (Chovan)
Hopak (Goedicke)
Hungarian Soldiers Dance (Bihari)
Invention (Stanley)
Ländler (Schubert, Franz)
March Of The Toy Soldiers (Gretchaninov)
Menuette (Tischer)
Minuetto Scherzando (Seixas)
Nocturne (Graeff)
Old French Gavotte
Old German Dance (Widmann)
Chaconne (G255)
Polonaise (Scholze)
Prelude Allemande
Preludium (Andre)
Quadrille (Haydn)
Riding Cossacks (Diabelli)
Romanza (Steibelt)
Rondo From Sonatina (Spindler)
Scherzetto (Reinagle)
Scherzino (Reinagle)
Scherzo (Weber)
Shepherd Flutes (Pasquini)
Sonatina (Gurlitt)
Sonatina (Hook, James)
Sonatina On Five Notes (Bolck)
Songful Dialogue (Attwood)
Spring Morning (Crotch)
The Bagpipers (Goedicke)
The First Minuet (Lully)
The Play Begins (Turk)
The Village Prophet (Rousseau)
Theme And Variation (Muller)
Two Gigues
Two Little Canon (Spindler)
Valsette (Sibelius)
Zingarese (Haydn)

Description :

Miniatures rares et originales pour clavier de trois siècles, pour les débutants et les pianistes qui commencent. Sélectionnées et éditées par Denes Agay.

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