Blue Moon (Flex Ensemble) HART LAURIE / RODGERS R.
Description :
Arrangement and orchestration by Andrea Cappellari. Full score and 20 parts: 1) C Instr. (flûte, Violin, Oboe) / 1) Bb Instr. (Clarinet, Soprano Sax. , Trumpet) / 2) C Instr. (flûte, Violin, Oboe) / 2) Bb Instr. (Clarinet, SopranoSax. , Trumpet) / 3) C Instr. (Violin) / 3) Bb Instr. (Clarinet, SopranoTrumpet) / 4) C Instr. (Violin) / 4) Eb Instr. (Alto Sax) / 5) C Instr. (Violin) / 5) Bb Instr. (Clarinet) / 5) Eb Instr. (Alto Sax) / 6) C Instr. (Violin,Viola) / 6) Bb Instrum. (Clarinet) / 6) Eb Instr. (Alto Sax.) / Guitar / Piano 1 / Piano 2 / Bell'on Bassoon / Triangle, Snare drum / Cymbal, Bass drum / Four hands Piano ad libitum. Performance possible also without Piano