• ISBN : 9790560381220

Decouvre La Musique Formation Musicale Cycle 1 – Cahier 1 FREYCENON (C. / H.)

Pédagogie Musicale

Solfège/Formation Musicale
Éditeur : Notissimo
Référence : ALNT 05241Z

Disponible sous 3 à 6 Jours Disponible sous 3 à 6 Jours

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Description :

Christèle and Hevre Freycenon 's Discover Music series provides an excellent start to the understanding of music theory. The first volume addresses the stave, clefs, note names, note values, time signatures, rests, repeat marks, conducting, instruments, ledger lines and perfomance directions, amongst many other aspects. Containing detailed instruction, illustrations and exercises, the Freycenon 's first volume of Discover Music is an essential, progressive theory guide to all beginner musicians.

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