I 'Alfred Wallis (in Paradise) Observes Saint Joseph (the carpenter) at Work and at Leisure'
II 'Sjonnie Kurzak (a broken soul) Ascends'
III 'When Gippy Dizon opened his eyes, the heavenly procession was still there...'
IV 'Exit'
Description :
Détails de la formation instrumentale: 2(pic).0.1.Eb Clarinette b Clarinette 1.c Basson-4.4(1.pic Trompette 2.pic Trompette , Eb Trompette ).1.b Trombone 1-timp.2perc(almgl, tub. bells, crots, glsp, xyl, tri, clash cym, 2 large wooden boxes, wood and saw, carpenter's metal hammer and nail) - hp.pno-str( - Durée: 25' - Format: DIN A4