Solo, Choeur SATB, 2 Trompettes/Bugle, Saxophone/F
Gattungen: Magnificat
Description :
Christoph Schönherr, Professor at the Hamburg Conservatory of Music, is a respected expert in the field of jazz and pop choirs and he is a much sought after choral composer. He has written of his work: “I have been especially influenced by the polarity of the text. On one hand it expresses Mary's joy at her pregnancy, but on the other Mary presents a bold image of God: a God of almost old Testament sternness in his demand for justice on earth. My music depicts a strong woman, who rejoices in her happiness and also swings [many 6/8, 12/8 and swing passages], but on the other hand who in formulating her concept of God clearly stands up for the poor and needy. Here I use stylisticelements of rock and funk music. ”