• Date de parution : 05/04/2022
  • ISBN : 9781540024770

Hal Leonard Tin Whistle Method

Tin Whistle

Avec support vidéo et/ou audio
Éditeur : Hal Leonard
Référence : HL 00269360

3 ex. en stock<br>Expédition immédiate 3 ex. en stock
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Description :

The Hal Leonard Tin Whistle Method is designed for anyone just learning to play the Irish penny whistle. This comprehensive and easy-to-use beginner's guide from acclaimed player Seán Gavin serves as an introduction to the instrument and its rich history. It includes access to online audio tracks with demonstrations of many of the examples in the book so you can confidently play at your next seisiún! Lessons include: articulation; scales; ornamentation; tune types; rhythmic feels; melodic variations; and more. The price of this book includes access to audio online, for download or streaming, using the unique code inside! Includes the multi-functional audio player PLAYBACK+, available exclusively from Hal Leonard.

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