• Date de parution : 08/10/2024
  • ISBN : 9781540042453



Avec support vidéo et/ou audio
Éditeur : Hal Leonard
Référence : HL 00287269

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Variété internationale et musique du monde


Ace of Spades (Motörhead)
Afterlife (Avenged Sevenfold)
The Devil in I (Slipknot)
Down with the Sickness (Disturbed)
Hallowed Be Thy Name (Iron Maiden)
Holy Wars...The Punishment Due (Megadeth)
Master of Puppets (Metallica)
Metropolis, Part 1 The Miracle and the Sleeper (Dream Theater)
No More Tears (Ozzy Osbourne)
Painkiller (Judas Priest)
Rainbow in the Dark (Dio)
Sober (Tool)
South of Heaven (Slayer)
Walk (Pantera)
War Pigs (Interpolating Luke's Wall) (Black Sabbath)

Description :

The Deluxe Guitar Play-Along series will help you play songs faster than ever before! Accurate, easy-to-read guitar tab and professional, customizable audio for 15 songs. The interactive, online audio interface includes tempo/pitch control, looping, buttons to turn instruments on or off, and guitar tab with follow-along marker. The price of this book includes access to audio tracks online using the unique code inside. The tracks can also be downloaded and played offline. Now including PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio, change pitch, set loop points, and pan left or right - available exclusively from Hal Leonard. This volume includes 15 songs

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