• Date de parution : 27/04/2024
  • ISBN : 9790041831053

Studi di tecnica per tromba e congeneri Vol. 2 SOGLIA RENATO


Éditeur : Ricordi
Référence : ER 00310500

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Description :

The aim of this work is to propose a serious and innovative didactic in the study of trumpet technique (and brass), to develop a suitable lip setting (mouthpiece) and fill gaps in technique, speed and agility, which are indispensable to succeed in performing all the music written for this instrument. The structure is very agile and flexible, so it adapts optimally to each teacher’s own methodology, leaving ample room for didactic proposal and interaction. The volumes are enriched with an introduction by the author and a preface by Francesco Tamiati, first trumpet in the orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, in both Italian and English.

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