Slavonic Dances DEL BORGO ELLIOT
Musique pour orchestres et ensembles
Description :
Fiery flourishes and explosive rhythms combine to make this major new publication by Elliot del Borgo an exotic masterpiece. Five authentic Slavonic folk tunes -"Yelenta, " "Csardas, " "The Ferryman of Okhrida, " "Love's My Permit" and "The Husser" - provide the material for this colorful and energetic symphonic statement. Contrasts abound! Infectious moods, both cheerful and sad, and contagious rhythms combine to great effect. Interesting shifting meters and wide ranges give this challenging piece momentum and impact. Your band can vividly display the vigor and passion of Slavonic peasant life with your performance of Elliot del Borgo’s Slavonic Dances! Energetic!