• Date de parution : 18/05/2018
  • ISBN : 9790201810874



Éditeur : Henle
Référence : HN 1087

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Description :

This piece is straightforward in its construction but highly advanced in its harmonies, and links up with the widely popular, 19th-century tradition of the "
night piece” or "
nocturne” for piano. Its themes and modulations are highly reminiscent of Gabriel Fauré, but in its chromatic voice-leading and unusual treatment of metre - such as in the 7/4 central section - Debussy makes a statement all of his own. Nothing is known about the history of its composition. Debussy'
s 1892 contract with his publisher states merely that the composer had originally called it "
Interlude”, but then decided upon the far more suitable title of "
Nocturne”. One of Debussy'
s most popular early piano works, it is now available in a Henle Urtext edition.

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