• Date de parution : 28/06/1905
  • ISBN : 9790035055359

Memories Of Leipzig

Concert Band ou Harmonie

Référence : DHP 1063978-010

Disponible sous 2 à 6 Jours Disponible sous 2 à 6 Jours

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Musique pour orchestres et ensembles

Description :

The name of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is inextricably connected to the German city of Leipzig. This modest and very dutiful master composer worked like a diligent civil servant. From 1723 until his death in 1750, he was cantor of the Thomaskirche in Leipzig. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Bach Festival takes place in this city every year. The hallmark of Leipzig is internationality: every year, soloists come from far and near to perform the baroque music again. The Bach Festival inspired the Dutch composer Henk Hogestein to write Memories of Leipzig, which is based on a theme from one of Bach’s arias.