• Date de parution : 09/01/2017
  • ISBN : 9780571539833

La La Land : Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack – Easy Piano HURWITZ / PASEK / PAUL


Éditeur : Faber Music
Référence : FAB 0571539831

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Musiques de films et comédies musicales


Another Day of Sun
Someone in the Crowd
Mia and Sebastian's Theme
A Lovely Night
City of Stars
Start a Fire
Engagement Party
Audition (The Fools Who Dream)

Description :

The romantic musical comedy-drama film La La Land, written and directed by Damien Chazelle and starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, is an anticipated 2017 Oscars front-runner. With music written by Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, this selection of songs from the original movie is arranged for easy piano.