First Lessons – French Edt. DUNCAN CRAIG
Traduction française des 'Premières Leçons de Violon' de chez Mel Bay.
Contient 28 leçons présentant les techniques de base du violon, les rudiments de la notation musicale et les gammes de La, Ré, Sol et Do.
Met l'accent sur l'emploi de mélodies et de morceaux classique pour l'appentissge de chaque nouveau concept.
Propose 47 mélodies.
Le CD rassemble tous les exercices et morceaux de la méthode, exécutés au violon avec accompagnement au piano.
Description :
This text presents beginning violin technique and basic music-reading fundamentals, with an emphasis on the use of melodies and classical pieces to teach each new concept. The 28 lessons include basic technique and reading skills, scales in the keys of A, D, G, and C as well as bowing techniques such as dynamic contrast, slurs, accents, and staccato bowing. There are 47 melodies presented including works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Handel, Mozart and other classical composers. The companion CD features all of the exercises and pieces recorded with solo violin and piano accompaniment. - Uses melodies and pieces to introduce technique and fundamentals. - Includes scales in A, D, G, and C - slurs, accents, and staccato bowing. - 47 melodies, including works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, and more. - Companion CD contains all exercises and pieces.