• ISBN : 9790046179884

Nocturnes:4 Etudes MARTINU BOHUSLAV

Violoncelle et Piano

Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 17988

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Description :

Nocturnes is a set of four studies for Cello and Piano by Bohuslav Martinu. These four pieces can be played for a recital or a contest, separately or following one another, by upper-intermediate players and above. This volume features: I. Andantino moderato & two first parts starting with a solo of Piano, including many accidentals, some trills and some pizzicatos II. Lento& starts by an exchange of sets of chords between the Piano and the Cello, which is played a second time at the end of the piece III. Moderato & starts by the Piano on its own which is the joined by the Cello IV. Allegretto moderato & swapping from pizzicato to bow few times in the suite < br`> Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959) is a Czech composer and a violinist. Even though he was interested in different genres (including Romanticism, Jazz and Expressionism), he wrote mainly neo-classical pieces, including 16 symphonies, 14 ballets and 15 operas. < /br`>

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