• ISBN : 9790046258749

J’Apprends La Flûte A Bec VEILHAN

Flûte à Bec Soprano

Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 25874

4 ex. en stock<br>Expédition immédiate 4 ex. en stock
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Description :

This new, revised edition of J'Apprends La Flûte à Bec by Jean-Claude Veilhan is a beginner method for Soprano Recorder. Including all facets that a beginner method should have, it features information on the instrument, positioning, breathing and theory. Small studies and exercises are also part of the book to support the acquired knowledge throughout. Simple melodic studies will enable young players to start playing music while practising and having fun. This method is a must-have for all those who wish to learn how to play the Recorder. This volume can be completed by the book'Initiation exercises' from the same author.

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