• Date de parution : 01/02/2016
  • ISBN : 9790044082421

46 Mélodies (Low Voice And Piano) RAVEL MAURICE

Voix Moyennes et Piano

Éditeur : Durand
Référence : DR 01608800

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Ballade de la reine morte d'aimer
Un grand sommeil noir
Chanson du rouet
Si morne!
Deux EEpigrammes de Clé?ment Marot
Manteau de fleurs
Cinq Mé?lodies populaires grecques
Noë?l des jouets
Les Grands Vents venus d'outremer
Histoires naturelles
Sur l'herbe
Chants populaires
Trois Po?èmes de Sté?phane Mallarm?é
Deux Mé?lodies hé?bra?ïques
Trois Chansons
Ronsard à son â?me
Chansons madé?casses
Don Quichotte à Dulcin?ée

Description :

The melodies of MAURICE RAVEL (1875-1937) span the entire chronology of his creative output, from his earliest song BALLADE DE LA REINE MORTE D`AIMER (1893), written during his student years at the Paris Conservatory, to the cycle DON QUICHOTTE À DULCINEE (1932-33), his last compositions in any genre. In his songs, Ravel's text settings display a meticulous attention to detail. Ravel´s melodies are elegant and refined, classical in their phrase structure. In his treatment of rhythm, Ravel finds subtlety within traditional meters, and dance forms-minuet, waltz, folk dances (especially Spanish dance) -also shape the rhythm in many of his songs.

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