• ISBN : 9790220419737

6 Sonatas And Partitas S.Vl BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN


Référence : IMC 2525

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Description :

In 1717, Bach accepted a post as conductor and director of chamber music in the service of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cothen. The Prince employed a select Chamber Orchestra of around 16 players, and so for the 6 year duration of his service, Bach composed almost exclusiely secular, instrumental music. It was during this period that the 3 Sonatas And 3 Partitas were composed. After Bach's death, much of this glorious music was neglected, and the 6 Sonatas And Partitas were actually found in 1814 in St. Petersburg, among a stack of old papers destined to be used as wrappings in a butter shop. This edition contains a facsimile of the original autograph. In 1717, Bach accepted a post as conductor and director of chamber music in the service of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cothen. The Prince employed a select Chamber Orchestra of around 16 players, and so for the 6 year duration of hisservice, Bach composed almost exclusiely secular, instrumental music. It was during this period that the 3 Sonatas And 3 Partitas were composed. After Bach's death, much of this glorious music was neglected, and the 6 Sonatas And Partitas were actually found in 1814 in St. Petersburg, among a stack of old papers destined to be used as wrappings in a butter shop. This edition contains a facsimile of the original autograph. Scored for Solo Violin.

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