Notes on the Songs and Aria
Dirge in Woods -Old Poem
Poet's Song -Vocalise
A Summer Vacation
My Heart Is in the East
Nature, the gentlest mother
There came a wind like a bugle
Why do they shut me out of Heaven?
The world feels dusty
Heart, we will forget him
Dear March, come in!
Sleep is supposed to be
When they come back
I felt a funeral in my brain
I've heard an organ talk sometimes
Going to Heaven!
The Chariot
Laurie's Song (from The Tender Land)
Martin's Song (from The Tender Land)
The sun is coming up (from The Tender Land)
Queenie's Song (from The Second Hurricane)
Description :
Cette collection de 25 chansons et arias s'inspire des oeuvres qui s'étendent sur la durée de vie du compositeur, y compris ses premières périodes de Americana expérimentales et matures.