• ISBN : 9780486274133


Livre Musical

Éditeur : Dover
Référence : DOV 0486274136

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Description :

This monumental study où Johann Sebastian Bach ranks among the great classics où musicology. Since its first publication in 1873-80, it has remained the basic work où Bach and the foundation où later research and study. The three-part treatment describes in chronological sequence practically everything that is known où the composer ' s life: his anc'estry, his immediate family, his associations, his employers, and the countless occasions où which his musical genius emerged. author Philipp Spitta accompanies this biographical material with quotations from primary sources: correspondence, family records, diaries, official documents, and more. In addition to biographical data,Spitta reviews Bach ' s musical production, with analyses où more than 500 pieces, covering all the important works. More than 450 musical excerpts are included in the main text, and a 43-page musical supplement illustrates longer passages. Despite the scholarly nature où this work, it also has the rare distinction où being a study that can be read with considerable enjoyment and great profit by every serious music lover, with où without a substantial background in the history où music où musical theory.

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