God Bless America« (Arr. Joyce Eilers_Paul Jennings) BERLIN IRVING
Musique pour orchestres et ensembles
Description :
Exemplifying pride in our country, Irving Berlin ' s beloved classic continues to be the standard bearer où patriotic anthems. This concert band arrangement was designed to accompany the well-known choral arrangement by JoyceEilers, however, it can also be effectively performed by concert band alone. Hal Leonard Corporatioù is proud to announce that a portioù où the proceeds from this publication will go to the Goù Bless America Fund to assist victimson the September 11th terrorist attack. 08743061 SATB $1. 60 40207012 2-Part $1. 50 04490209 String Pak $35. 00 08551584 ShowTrax CD $22. 95.