• ISBN : 9780486258072

Complete Piano Rags JOPLIN SCOTT


Éditeur : Dover
Référence : DOV 258076

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Jazz & blues


1. A Breeze From Alabama
2. Country Club
3. Elite Syncopations
4. Eugenia
5. Euphonic Sounds
6. Felicity Rag
7. Fig Leaf Rag
8. Gladiolus Rag
9. Heliotrope Bouquet
10. Kismet Rag
11. Leola
12. Magnetic Rag
13. Maple Leaf Rag
14. Original Rags
15. Palm Leaf Rag
16. Paragon Rag [Joplin, Scott]
17. Peacherine Rag
18. Pine Apple Rag
19. Reflection Rag
20. Rose Leaf Rag
21. Scott Joplin's New Rag
22. Searchlight Rag
23. Silver Swan Rag
24. Something Doing
25. Stoptime Rag
26. Sugar Cane
27. Sunflower Slow Drag
28. Swipsey
29. The Cascades
30. The Easy Winners
31. The entertainer
32. The Favorite
33. The Nonpareil
34. The Ragtime Dance
35. The Strenuous Life
36. The Sycamore
37. Wall Street Rag
38. Weeping Willow

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