• ISBN : 9790046238284

Cours Enseignt Musical General 2ème Anneeprep.40 Lect.2 Clés Fin Annee S – Acc2 VACHEY HENRI

Pédagogie Musicale

Solfège/Formation Musicale
Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 23828

Disponible sous 3 à 6 Jours Disponible sous 3 à 6 Jours

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Description :

Henri Vachey compiles a unique theory guide to aid all instrumentalists in switching between treble and bass clefs. The 40 Exercises in Vachey 's study guide contributes to a series of preparatory books for reading the different musical clefs. For all aspiring musicians, Vachey 's 40 Exercises With Treble And Bass Clefs Mixed will improve the student's understanding of the differing clefs.

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