• ISBN : 9790046289958

Croche – Note Debutant En Formation Musicale – Livre De L’Eleve 1 TANGUY ERIC


Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 28995

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Description :

Born in 1960, Nadian Tanguy studied at the Rouen Conservatory from age seven. She won many prizes during her studies and has since led a successful career as a clarinetist and music teacher. Croche-Note proves to be an helpful theory guide for beginners. Croche-Note by Tanguy is the first of three theory guides for beginners, illustrated by Stephan Grisel. Croche-Note addresses, musical terms, note names, note values, the stave, treble and bass clefs, intervals, rests, ties, dynamics, phrasing, and articulation, among otheraspects. For all beginner musicians, Tanguy 's Croche-Note is a suitable and inspiring aid to music theory learning.

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