• Date de parution : 10/02/2005
  • ISBN : 9780634085376

Disney Greats

Flûte Traversière

Avec support vidéo et/ou audio
Éditeur : Hal Leonard
Référence : HL 00841934

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Musiques de films et comédies musicales


Arabian Nights (Aladin)
The Bar Necessities (Le livre de la Jungle)
A Change In Me (La Belle et le Bête)
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (Lilo and Stitch)
Honor to Us All (Mulan)
I'm Still Here (Trasure Planet)
It's a Small World (Parc Disney land)
Look Through My Eyes (Frére des Ours)
The Medallion Calls (Le Pirate des Caraïbes)
Promise (Millenium Celebration at Epcot)
The Siamese Cat Song (La Belle et le Clochard)
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Mary Poppins)
Two Worlds (Tarzan)
Where the Dream Takes You (Atlantis)
Yo Ho (Parc Disneyland).

Description :

Here is a fantastic opportunity for you to become the soloist in these specially selected Disney favourites! Each song is presented in clear notation, and the accompanying CD features a full demonstration and backing track for each song so that you can experience the sound of a professional ensemble as your band! Fifteen songs have been selected from rich Disney heritage, including unforgettable moments from Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book all specially arranged for Flute. Here is a fantastic opportunity for you to become the soloist in these specially selected Disney favourites! Each song is presented in clear notation, and the accompanying online audio features a full demonstration and backing track for each song so that you can experience the sound of a professional ensemble as your band! Fifteen songs have been selected from rich Disney heritage, including unforgettable moments from Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book all specially arranged for Flute.