• Date de parution : 01/05/1990
  • ISBN : 9780849729201

Drum Sessions, Book 1 O'GORMAN PETER


Avec support vidéo et/ou audio
Éditeur : Kjos Music Company
Référence : KJS151DCT

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Description :

Drum Sessions Book 1. Peter O’Gorman. The most innovative and comprehensive methods for individual or group study available for beginning instrumentalists. The session series for drums, keyboard and bass allows you to perform inaband right from the start. For individual study each book teaches the fundamentals of music theory in an easy to understand format, technique exercises, songs and riffs and a variety of other styles. The tapecontainsaccompaniments for each ‘Mini-Jam’ and five songs or ‘Sessions’. The Sessions can be played along live, with keyboard, drum set and bass players or with the parts recorded on the tape. The first Session is playable afterjust afew lessons!

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