Ensembles Vol.3 – R. Mooney SUZUKI SHINICHI
1. Gavote (J.S. Bach)
2. Gavotte [Turk, Daniel Gottlob]
3. Humoresque [Dvorak, Antonin]
4. La Cinquantaine [Gabriel-Marie]
5. Minuet (Blavet)
6. Minuet And Trio (Mozart)
7. Minuet In G - Trio (L. Van Beethoven)
8. Minuet No.3 (J.S. Bach)
9. Scherzo - Duet And Quartet (C. Webster)
Description :
This book contains harmony parts to go with each of the pieces in the Suzuki Cello School, Volume 3. All parts have been arranged to resemble, as much as possible, the exciting piano accompaniment.