• ISBN : 9790047322111

Fugues Et Caprices Pour Orgue Lp44 ROBERDAY FRANCOIS / FERRARD


Éditeur : Heugel
Référence : ALHE 32211

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Description :

French Baroque organist and composer, François Roberday (1624-1680) is best known today for his Fugues And Caprices collected and published in a superb volume by Le Pupitre. Roberday 's Fugues And Caprices are four-part contrapuntal Organ pieces. Each Fugue is paired with a Caprice on the same subject, and with an exciting 12 Fugues and Caprices included in the collection, Roberday 's compositions cannot be missed. Moreover, with a preface in English, French and German, Fugues And Caprices are essential to the repertoire of all Baroque organists.