• Date de parution : 20/11/2015
  • ISBN : 9783702471149

Háry János-Suite KODALY ZOLTAN


Éditeur : Universal Edition
Référence : UE 35540

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1. Vorspiel
Das Märchen beginnt / Prelude
The Fairy Tale begins · 2. Wiener Glockenspiel / Viennese Musical Clock · 3. Lied / Song · 4. Schlacht und Niederlage Napoleons / The Battle and Defeat of Napoleon · 5. Intermezzo · 6. Einzug des kaiserlichen Hofes / Entrance of the Emperor and His Court

Description :

This edition is based on the fi rst printed score published in 1927 (Universal Edition UE 8943), and was compared with Kodály’s own conductor’s copy, three additional scores held in the Budapest Zoltán Kodály Archives containing autograph notes, as well as the corrections from the piano reduction and the orchestral parts of the stage work, kept in the archives of the publisher. The present new edition has adopted only as many changes as could be authentically traced back to the composer’s intentions of revision. These being preponderantly dynamic or agogic accents, the provision of a detailed Critical Report was deemed unnecessary. (Ferenc Bónis)

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