Keyboard für Kinder Buch 1 GELLING PETER
Description :
Teach how to play keyboard for kids with our easy keyboard lessons for kids. Covers the important techniques required to learn to play the keyboard including correct posture, hand position and fingering technique for playing 5 notes with the left hand and 5 notes with the right hand. Suitable for children aged 4 to 8 years and all types of children’s keyboards and pianos. Includes 33 great sounding keyboard exercises containing popular easy keyboard songs for kids. Beautifully illustrated in full color throughout with easy-to-read keyboard music for kids with lyrics included. Comes with 1 DVD and 1 CD containing keyboard videos and audio demonstrating all examples. No prior knowledge of how to read music or playing the keyboard is required to teach your child to learn to play keyboard from this book. Includes free keyboard chord/note poster and free keyboard note stickers.