• ISBN : 9790006521166

Kleine Praeludien Und Fughetten BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN


Éditeur : Bärenreiter
Référence : BA 5238

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Description :

Bach’s easiest preludes and fughettas have become a permanent feature of piano lessons. Unfortunately, almost all the well-known collections still contain a number of preludes whose authenticity has long been questioned and which are now known to be spurious. This collection takes the latest research findings into account and contains only those works firmly attributed to Bach. It reproduces the Urtext from the internationally definitive New Bach Edition, ideally selected for use in music lessons. About Little Preludes and FughettasBy Johann Sebastian Bach. Edited by Michael Topel; Adel Erenyi. For Piano/Harpsichord. Playing Score. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA5238

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