Korsfarerne (The Crusaders) op. 50 GADE NIELS WILHELM
Description :
Gade composed the cantata “The Crusaders” op. 50 for soloists, choir and orchestra (termed as “Dramatic Poem” in the original print) in the summer of 1865; it was premiered on 24 April 1866.
Together with the cantatas “Kalanus” and “Zion” written later, the work constitutes, in Gade’s understanding, a “kind of trilogy” which centers on different manifestations of the “longing for the true light”.
The libretto of “The Crusaders” by Carl Andersen is based on motives from Torquato Tasso’s “Jerusalem Delivered” and spreads these over three sections which themselves are subdivided multiple times: I In the Desert – II Armida - III Towards Jerusalem.