Präludium: Über das Buch
Integrative Gitarrentechnik: Eine Einführung
Technik-im Widerspruch zur giarristischen Unschuld?
Physiologische Grundlage für Gitarristen
Halten und Bewegen
Technik: Übungen
Warm-up: Propriozeptive Übungen
Technik der rechten Hand
Technik der linken Hand
Koordination und Synchronisation
Verdreht und abgeknickt
Description :
Moderne Gitarrentechnik' [Modern Guitar Technique] shows how to play the instrument according to the player's personal taste, yet without any health risks. The anatomically sound approach includes the whole body, defines movements and their origin, counter-movements and postures, and addresses extensively the issue of recognizing and avoiding compensations, while taking individual physical requirements as well as the readers' aesthetic self-conception into account. Technical exercises help the player to develop the ability to play the instrument with natural means according to his preferences - and playing without pain naturally has a direct impact on the possibilities of artistic expression.