• ISBN : 9790047311696

Précis D’Analyse Harmonique DESPORTES

Formation Musicale

Solfège/Formation Musicale
Éditeur : Heugel
Référence : ALHE 31169

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Description :

Precise Harmonic Analysis intends to accompany and aid harmony and analysis classes at conservatoires and other musical institutions. Covering a wide range of aspects, Yvonne Desportes ''s book succeeds in its intentions. As a student of Paul Dukas, Desportes (1907-1993) won the Premier Grand Prix de Rome for harmony in 1932. She then went on to teach at the Paris Conservatoire, compose over 300 works, and publish many music textbooks. Compiled in 1948, Precise Harmonic Analysis addresses intervals, modulations, chords, suspensions, appoggiaturas and echappees, among many other aspects. Thisbook is essential to accompany all intermediate to advanced music studies.

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