• ISBN : 9790046183218

Premiers Solos Concertos Classiques:N023 Violon Et Piano VIOTTI GIOVANNI BATTISTA / CATHERINE

Violon et Piano

Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 18321

5 ex. en stock<br>Expédition immédiate 5 ex. en stock
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Description :

Parisian violinist, Georges Catherine (1872-1958) compiles an exciting collection for the Violin repertoire. The first solo from Viotti ''s Concerto No. 23 is clearly printed with a helpful key of unusual techniques. Viotti (1755-1824) was an Italian Violin virtuoso. He composed a significant 29 concertos for the Violin which remain popular in the advanced violinist''s repertoire. The Violin solo line of Concerto No. 23 makes use of extended techniques including harmonics, bow techniques, aritculations and hand positions. Catherine ''s series, First Solos extracted from the ClassicConcertos provides essential access to significant repertoire of the Violin, preparing advanced violinists for the major concertos.

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