• ISBN : 9780486242026


Chant et Piano

Éditeur : Dover
Référence : DOV 242021

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1. A rainfall in drought Anju Ebanks
2. A time to mourn and a time to dance Mike Burn
3. All heaven sings
4. All the world can offer Colin Hardy
5. All you've done
6. Be joyful Mike Burn
7. Because
8. By your wounds
9. Calling on the Spirit Judy Bailey
10. Celebrate Jesus Ian Booth
11. Christ before me Mike Burn
12. Come and sing Mike Burn
13. Communion song
14. Crossing over Graeme Young
15. Dance on the streets
16. Drawn from every tribe David Lyle Morris
17. Everywhere I go Katy Trigg
18. Father, I do adore you Judy Bailey &amp
19. Dave Bankhead
20. Father's seeking those who'll worship him Mike Burn
21. Fill my life, O Lord my God Judy Bailey
22. Fire And Rain
23. Fly free Mike Burn
24. From where the sun rises Graham Kendrick
25. Give, and it shall be given Mike Burn
26. Glory
27. God Ian Mizen &amp
28. Andy Pressdee
29. God is our FathertDavid Lyle Morris &amp
30. Nick Wynne-Jones
31. God, you can use me Graeme Young
32. Grace and love Mark Harris
33. Have you not seen? Mike Burn
34. Healing River
35. Heart and Soul
36. Heavenly Father Ian Mizen and Andy Pressdee
37. Here I'm bowed Audrey Traynor &amp
38. Lynette Boyland
39. Holy Jesus Ian Mizen &amp
41. Hosanna Ian Booth
42. I exalt your name Jo Puleston
43. I love to be with you, Jesus Mike Burn
44. I never want anything in my life Wes Sutton
45. I reach up high Judy Bailey
46. I will lift up the name of the Lord Mike Burn
47. I will proclaim Mike Burn
48. I'd reach for the stars Mike Burn
49. If I look in a mirror Mike Burn
50. If we admit to God Kath Fathers
51. If we were to keep quiet Mike Burn
52. If you believe Mike Burn
53. If you have faith Mike Burn
54. I'm gonna dance on the streets Mike Burn
55. I'm putting God's armour on Mike Burn
56. I'm putting my hand in your hand Steve Bradshaw
57. I'm singing your praise, Lord Mike Burn
58. I'm so excited Audrey Traynor
59. I'm special Graham Kendrick
60. In Matthew, twenty-six Mike Burn
61. In the Spirit Judy Bailey
62. Is anyone in trouble? Mike Burn
63. Jesus Christ, you are the Son of
64. Jesus in my house
65. Jesus' love has got under our skin Graham Kendrick
66. Jesus loves me Jenny Legg &amp
67. Tim Oliver
68. Jesus, my friend
69. Jesus, name that we adore Jo Puleston
70. Jesus, thank you for the cross Mike Burn
71. Jesus, you're the morning star Mike Burn
72. Kingdom of heaven our goal
73. Let praise break out Mike Burn
74. Let us run David Lyle Morris
75. Let's get fit Kath Fathers
76. Lift high the name
77. Look to the cross
78. Lord, help me to tell your story Tim Moyler &amp
79. Donna Vann
80. Lord, I love your name Mike Burn
81. Lord, our master Dave Godfrey
82. Lord, we cry out to you Wes Sutton &amp
83. Ken McGreavy
84. Lord, we lift you high Judy Bailey
85. Lost in adoration Dave Bankhead &amp
86. John Gibson
87. Love, joy, peace David Lyle Morris
88. My soul thirsts for you Ian Mizen &amp
90. nation Mike Burn &amp
92. No one ever spoke Graeme Young
93. No one loves me like Jesus
94. Nothing is impossible for God Jane Young
95. O King of love Jo Puleston
96. Oh, don't worry Mike Burn
97. Oh, I'm fighting Mike Burn
98. On My Knees
99. Our Father in heaven Mike Burn &amp
101. Pass it on Mike Burn
102. Peace Child
103. Perfect Love
104. Pray at all times Mike Burn
105. Prayer can make a difference Mike Burn
106. Prayer Song
107. Praying God
108. Revelation 7
109. Rising generation
110. See the love of God poured out Mike Burn
111. Some days are not easy Tim Moyler
112. Song for Wales
113. Spirit, Holy Spirit Judy Bailey
114. Stand up and fight
115. Thank you, heavenly Father Judy Bailey
116. The depth of a mystery Mike Burn
117. The fear of the Lord Mike Burn
118. The fruit of the Spirit
119. The heavens are open Jo Puleston
120. The Lord is gracious Jo Puleston
121. The Lord's Prayer
122. There is a place Kath Fathers
123. There is only one Jesus
124. This Land
125. Through the cross Mike Burn
126. To be in your presence, Lord Mike Burn
127. To be with you
128. To know you
129. To know your love Ian Mizen &amp
131. To obey is better than sacrifice Mike Burn
132. To the cross I come Jo Puleston
133. Trust in the Lord
134. Under our skin
135. Waiting for the healing
136. Watch and pray
137. Waterfall
138. We are all one
139. We are God's chosen holy
140. We must work togethertIan Mizen &amp
142. We stand united Dave Bankhead
143. We will turn the hea

Description :

Over 100 songs, including 'Myrthen', 'Sechs Gedichte Von Reinick', 'Frauenliebe und Leben', Breitkopf & Härtel edition. Over 100 songs, including 'Myrthen', 'Sechs Gedichte Von Reinick', 'Frauenliebe und Leben', Breitkopf & Hortel edition.

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