• Date de parution : 15/02/2022
  • ISBN : 9781705134573



Éditeur : Hal Leonard
Référence : HL 00364487

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Variété internationale et musique du monde


1. All Along The Watchtower
2. Blowin' in the Wind
3. Don'T Think Twice, It'S All Right
4. Forever Young
5. Hurricane
6. I Shall Be Released
7. I Want You
8. It Ain't Me, Babe
9. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
10. Just Like A Woman
11. Knockin' On Heaven'S Door
12. Lay, Lady, Lay
13. Like a Rolling Stone
14. Maggie'S Farm
15. Make You Feel My Love 16. Mr. Tambourine man
17. Positively 4th Street
18. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
19. Shelter From The Storm
20. Subterranean Homesick Blues
21. Tangled Up In Blue
22. The Times They Are A-changin'

Description :

Playing piano is now super easy! This series features accessible arrangements for piano, with simple right-hand melody, letter names inside each note, basic left-hand chord diagrams, and no page turns! Perfect for beginning players of all ages. This edition features 22 Dylan clasics for beginners to enjoy: All Along the Watchtower · Blowin' in the Wind · Don't Think Twice, It's All Right · Forever Young · Hurricane · Knockin' on Heaven's Door · Like a Rolling Stone · Mr. Tambourine Man · Tangled up in Blue · The Times They Are A-Changin' · and more.

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