• ISBN : 9790006531929

Technologie Des Violoncellospiels GRUETZMACHER (GRUTZMACHER) FRIEDRICH


Éditeur : Bärenreiter
Référence : BA 6997

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Description :

Technology Of Violoncello Playing Op. 38 - Twenty-four Etudes for Violoncello Solo. Edited by Martin Rummel. The German cellist Friedrich Grützmacher (1832-1903), an influential teacher and composer, wrote two important works containing studies: “ Tägliche Übungen ” (Daily Exercises) Op. 67 and “Twenty-four Etudes” Op. 38. Grützmacher was greatly admired during the 19th century for his brilliant playing technique and this forms the central part of his studies Op. 38. To this day the twenty-four studies form an integral part of cellist's study repertoire and the development of a well-grounded cello technique. As with MartinRummel's editions of Popper's studies and the Duport Etudes, the new Grützmacher publication contains a booklet with valuable tips and references to other works in the Cello repertoire requiring similiar solutions to technical problems. - Fold-out pages for ease of playing. - Large format. - Additional modern fingering and bowing. - Valuable comments in English and German on the technical goals of the etudes.

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