Advent: V. Fish: Advent aria Adrian
R. Bonighton: Advent reflections
S. Clark: Aria
R. Proulx: Melismata variations
Christmas: A. Fletcher: A carol
J. Marsh: Echo carol
A. Gant: Paean on the morning of Christ's nativity
R. Lloyd: Pastorale
M. McKelvey: Baptism of the Lord (Baptism of the Lord)
C. Mawby: Bring him gold, incense and myrrh (Epiphany)
A. Moore: Light of the nations(Presentation of the Lord)
Lent: J. Nixon: Meditation for Ash Wednesday
B. Roe: Eden
R. Pantcheff: Lenten passacaglia
R. Proulx: Numeralis
J. Patten: Reflective prelude
M. Setchell: Solemn processional march
Holy Week: C. Tambling: Processional(Palm Sunday)
C. Mawby: Ubi caritas (Maundy Thursday)
S. Vann: 'It is finished' (Good Friday)
Easter: A. Gant: Dum Transiset Sabbatum
M. Setchell: Easter alleluias
R. Lloyd: Exultation
S. Clark: Festive joy
A. Fletcher: Gospel fanfare
R. Bonighton: 'Mary', 'Rabboni!'
A.V. Fish: Resurrection dance
J. Marsh: Christ triumphant (Ascension)
Pentecost: C. Mawby: Prelude on Veni, Sancte Spiritus
M. McKelvey: Holy, holy, holy (Trinity Sunday)
A. Moore: Reflection on 'Adoro te devote' (Corpus Christi)
Sundays of the Year: J. Nixon: Acclamation
C. Tambling: Andante con moto
S. Vann: Cantilena
J. Patten: Ite, missa est
R. Proulx: Litterarum ordine
R. Bonighton: Ordinary time
more or less
M. Setchell: Passacaglia on a Danish threefold amen
A.V. Fish: Quoniam tu solus sanctus
B. Roe: St Felix
R. Pantcheff: Sundays of the year
R. Bonighton: Christus Pastor Rex (Christ the King)
Feasts of the blessed Virgin: A. Moore: Ave Maris Stella
C. Mawby: Ave Maris Stella
M. McKelvey: Feast of the blessed Virgin
J. Nixon: Variations on a French folk tune
Harvest: B. Roe: Gavotte and jig
M. Setchell: Toccata for harvest
All Saints' Day: R. Lloyd: Elegy
Remembrance Sunday: A. Gant: Remembrance
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